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Wednesday, August 29, 2007 @4:52 AM

survey from ICA:D kasi connected sa mga naiisip ko ngayon.

1. What do you think of ligaw?
* it's shitty

2. Do you believe that friends can be
lovers, but past lovers can never be
* uhm. i dunno. well, friends can be lovers, but based on experience, past lovers find it hard to be friends=friends

3. Do you believe that you can learn
to love someone even if you dont love
* anlabo ng tanong na to ah. well, you can learn to love someone. but you can't learn to love someone when you don't love him. parang no two things can occupy the same space at the same time. hahaha

4. What is your ideal partner?
* may blog entry ako :D hahaha. pero gusto ko matangkad, tapos expressive eyes, tapos mabango, tapos matangos ilong, tapos matalino, tapos marami pang iba:))

5. Have you met your soulmate?
* i dunno, i have to ask my soul pa.:))

6. Is it true na ang love nawawala o
nababawasan lang?
* siguro mababawasan tapos mawawala:D

7. Have you really let go of someone?
* oh yes. and somethings too:D

8. Are you always serious when it
comes to relationships?
* i dunno. i haven't been in one.

9. Which one do you prefer, friendship
or relationship?
* they're both relationships.-i agree with Ica:))

10. Why?
* kasi parehas sila

11. Have you fallen in love with your
*okay, natanga ko sa tanong. hindi pa.

12. Have you fallen in love with
someone you regret on loving?
* uhh... regret, no. love? not sure.

13. If yes, why do you regret?

14. Are you in a serious/fling,
relationship right now or just plain
* im single, and happily mingling and :D

15. Are you a player?
* mukha ba kong player?? hindi ah.

16. Are you serious with your
* am i with my serious relationship??? i have none.

17. Are you a martyr?
* i wouldn't know. but i am a saint:D

18. Do you believe in marriage first
before living in or vice-versa?
* well, you can have sleep overs:D

20. Are you going to say 'yes' or
a 'no,no,no' sa live in?
* now, it's no. but who knows what my answer will be tomorrow? :))

21. Do you look ahead to your future
or do you look behind to your past?
* puwede both?

22. Why do you think most
relationships dont last?
* kasi hindi nasasatisfy ang needs at hindi na nagf-fit sa "ideal partner"

23. Do you really think love can
conquer all?
* ewan. you think? hindi rin.

24. Do you want to love again?
* i dunno. siguro. para maexperience ko naman.:))

25. is it true that ABSENCE MAKES THE
* more of wander:))

@4:22 AM

i couldn't think of a good title, and then i heard Golum's voice saying "my precious". hahaha. i think this is a long entry so if you read, matiyaga ka.:))


Emo you? Emo me.

At this point, I want to die now. Or at least push a button to eject myself from this world.

Sci 10 thoughts. In this case Sci 10 is not that much useless, but pointless? Oh yes, I still find it utterly pointless.

Back to sci 10 thoughts.

Death is THE easy way out.

If you die today, you don’t have to think about tomorrow and the things you have to do. YOU DON’T HAVE TO THINK because your brain is not functioning anymore. Cool right?

If you die today, you don’t have to worry about the things you have to do tomorrow. You don’t have to worry because you won’t be there anymore, you’re dead.:)

If you die today, then the world doesn’t have to worry about how to feed you, or sustain your life, or provide a good future for you.

Why do people dread death anyway? At this time, when the earth is deteriorating and the world is a time bomb, death is a very good solution to all the problems in this world.

So please I want to die right now!

Ngayon pa lang nagd-dawn sa akin ang bigat ng mga dapat kong gawin! Pero somehow, I don’t worry that much kasi alam ko kaya ko gawin, in time of the demand. I cannot afford any delay because I have nothing to pay for the damages. Pero wish ko lang talaga eh hindi ako tamarin at kayanin ng katawan ko ang mga kailangan kong gawin.

Okay, ayoko ng pasulpot-sulpot na problema sa “boy” sa mga ganitong panahon! Isang malaking istorbo!!! Hindi ko na nga pinapansin pero tuwing makakakita ako ng mga bagay o lugar na nagpapaalala sa’yo, naiisip ko nanaman ang mga bagay-bagay tungkol sa atin! Oo, sa atin. Merong “tayo”, “atin”, at hindi lang “ikaw” at “ako” magkasama tayo. Mayroong ganoon, pero hindi nga lang sa ganoong konteksto.
Alam ko, hindi kita mahal, hindi sa ganoong konteksto. Alam ko hindi mo rin ako mahal. Kaya naman hindi ko alam kung ano nangyayari sa atin ngayon.

But, then again, you don’t really look for love.

It was discussed in Sci 10 that organisms are genetically wired to find the best mate. Organisms don’t look for love they look for that organism that best fit the description of what they want. Prolific reproduction.

I agree. We don’t look for love; we look for the ideal partner. You look for someone who can provide at least your basic needs* and satisfy your wants. And when you find him/her, you spend time with her, and that’s the only time love comes in. You learn to love something/someone when you get attached. After sometime, you may lose that attachment when you find someone/something new, something/someone better, or that something/someone becomes useless then you throw it away and go look for a new one that will fit your ideal partner.

So, in a relationship, love is not really important. It’s more of being the ideal partner.

*Basic needs of man according to Ms. Rosalinda Erpelo: food, clothing, shelter, water, sex [I think it was based on Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs]

At dahil hindi naman kailangan ng love ang relationship, lamang pa tayo kasi mayroon tayong “love” kahit papaano. Sa aking pagi-isip wala naman kailangan pang pagisipan pa, kung kinakausap mo lang ako ngayon. Ganito na lang ba palagi? Ganito, tapos, may sasabihin ako, tapos sasabihin mo ganito, tapos sasabihin ko oo, tapos tatakbo ka, tapos hindi nanaman natin pag-uusapan tapos siyempre hindi kita kukulitin, tapos wala nanaman. Paulit-ulit. Andali lang naman ng maaring isagot, “oo” at “hindi” yun lang pagpipilian hindi mo pa masagot. Hindi ka pa rin nagbabago, torpe ka pa rin. Hahaha. Ang problema nga lang ngayon, hindi natin alam ang mga nangyayari sa utak mo.

“My mind says no but my body and soul said yes, I hate this mess.” –Lil L.O.V.E.

Friday, August 24, 2007 @10:29 PM

his words that went bulls-eye:)

"La passion fait souvent un fou du plus habile homme, et rend souvent les plus sots habiles."

^Passsion often renders the most clever man a fool, and even sometimes render a foolish one clever.

"Il y a dans le coeur humain une génération perpétuelle de passions, en sorte que la ruine de l'une est presque toujours l'établissement d'une autre."

^In the human heart there is a perpetual generation of passions, such that the ruin of one is almost always the foundation of another.

"Il ne faut pas s'offenser que les autres nous cachent la vérité, puisque nous nous la cachons si souvent à nous-mêmes."

^We should not be upset that others hide the truth from us, when we hide it so often from ourselves.

"Nous avons tous assez de force pour supporter les maux d'autrui."

^We all have strength to enough to endure the misfortunes of others.

"La philosophie triomphe aisément des maux passés et des maux à venir. Mais les maux présents triomphent d'elle."

^Philosophy triumphs easily over past and future evils; but present evils triumph over it.

"Nous promettons selon nos espérances, et nous tenons selon nos craintes."

^We promise according to our hopes; we fulfill according to our fears.

"L'intérêt parle toutes sortes de langues, et joue toutes sortes de personnages, même celui de désintéressé."

^Self-interest speaks all sorts of tongues and plays all sorts of characters, even that of disinterestedness.

"L'homme croit souvent se conduire lorsqu'il est conduit; et pendant que par son esprit il tend à un but, son coeur l'entraîne insensiblement à un autre."

^A man will often believe himself a leader when he is led; while with his mind he endeavours to reach one goal, his heart insensibly drags him toward another.

"On n'est jamais si heureux ni si malheureux qu'on s'imagine."

^One is never so happy or so unhappy as one fancies.

"Pour s'établir dans le monde, on fait tout ce que l'on peut pour y paraître établi."

^To succeed in the world we do everything we can to appear successful already.

"La sincérité est une ouverture de coeur. On la trouve en fort peu de gens; et celle que l'on voit d'ordinaire n'est qu'une fine dissimulation pour attirer la confiance des autres."

^Sincerity is an openness of heart; we find it in very few people; what we usually see is only an artful dissimulation to win the confidence of others.

"Il est difficile de définir l'amour. Dans l'âme c'est une passion de régner, dans les esprits c'est une sympathie, et dans le corps ce n'est qu'une envie cachée et délicate de posséder ce que l'on aime après beaucoup de mystères."

^It is difficult to define love. In the soul it is a passion to rule; in the mind it is sympathy; and in the body it is only a hidden and tactful desire to possess what we love after many mysteries.

"Si on juge de l'amour par la plupart de ses effets, il ressemble plus à la haine qu'à l'amitié."

^If we judge love by the majority of its results, it resembles hatred more than friendship.

"Il n'y a qu'une sorte d'amour, mais il y en a mille différentes copies."

^There's only one kind of love, but there are a thousand of different versions.

"L'amour aussi bien que le feu ne peut subsister sans un mouvement continuel; et il cesse de vivre dès qu'il cesse d'espérer ou de craindre."

^Neither love nor fire can subsist without perpetual motion; both cease to live so soon as they cease to hope, or to fear.

"Le silence est le parti le plus sûr de celui qui se défie de soi-même."

^Silence is the surest resolve for him who distrusts himself.

"Il est plus aisé d'être sage pour les autres que de l'être pour soi-même."

^It is easier to be wise for others than for oneself.

Ce n'est pas assez d'avoir de grandes qualités, il en faut avoir l'économie.
Translation: One must not just have great qualities, but also economize them

Ce qui nous empêche souvent de nous abandonner à un seul vice est que nous en avons plusieurs.
Translation: What often prevents us from abandoning ourselves to one vice is that we have several.

Le désir de paraître habile empêche souvent de le devenir.
Translation: The desire to appear clever often prevents one from being so.
Maxim 199
Il y a des gens niais qui se connaissent et qui emploient habilement leur niaiserie.
Translation: There are foolish people who recognize their foolishness and use it skillfully.
Maxim 208
Qui vit sans folie n'est pas si sage qu'il croit.
Translation: Who lives without folly is not so wise as he thinks.

En vieillissant on devient plus fou et plus sage.
Translation: As we age, we become crazier and wiser.
Maxim 210
La plupart des gens ne jugent des hommes que par la vogue qu'ils ont, ou par leur fortune.
Translation: Most people judge men only by success or by fortune.

Le plaisir de l'amour est d'aimer; et l'on est plus heureux par la passion que l'on a que par celle que l'on donne.
Translation: The pleasure of love is in loving; we are happier in the passion we feel than in what we inspire.
Maxim 259
Il n'y a guère d'homme assez habile pour connaître tout le mal qu'il fait.
Translation: Hardly any man is clever enough to know all the evil he does.

Il est impossible d'aimer une seconde fois ce qu'on a véritablement cessé d'aimer.
Translation: It is impossible to fall back in love with what one has stopped being in love with.

Ce qui fait que les amants et les maîtresses ne s'ennuient point d'être ensemble, c'est qu'ils parlent toujours d'eux-mêmes.
Translation: Lovers never get tired of each other, because they are always talking about themselves.

Nous n'avouons de petits défauts que pour persuader que nous n'en avons pas de grands.
Translation: We confess to little faults only to persuade ourselves we have no great ones.

Les esprits médiocres condamnent d'ordinaire tout ce qui passe leur portée.
Translation: Mediocre minds usually dismiss anything which reaches beyond their own understanding.

Ce qui nous rend la vanité des autres insupportable, c'est qu'elle blesse la nôtre.
Translation: What makes the vanity of others insufferable to us is that it wounds our own.

Rien n'empêche tant d'être naturel que l'envie de le paraître.
Translation: Nothing prevents us being natural so much as the desire to appear so.

Il est plus aisé de connaître l'homme en général que de connaître un homme en particulier.
Translation: It is easier to know men than to know a man.
Maxim 436
Dans l'amitié comme dans l'amour on est souvent plus heureux par les choses qu'on ignore que par celles que l'on sait.
Translation: In friendship and in love, one is often happier because of what one does not know than what one knows.

Comment prétendons-nous qu'un autre puisse garder notre secret, si nous ne pouvons le garder nous-mêmes?
Translation: How can we expect others to keep our secrets if we cannot keep them ourselves?

Il est plus difficile de dissimuler les sentiments que l'on a que de feindre ceux que l'on n'a pas.
Translation: It is harder to hide the feelings we have than to feign the ones we do not have.

Ce qui fait que si peu de personnes sont agréables dans la conversation, c'est que chacun songe plus à ce qu'il veut dire qu'à ce que les autres disent.
Translation: The reason that there are so few good conversationalists is that most people are thinking about what they are going to say and not about what the others are saying.

Aimez le chocolat à fond, sans complexe ni fausse honte, car rappelez-vous: sans un grain de folie, il n’est point d’homme raisonnable.
Translation: Love chocolate completely, without complexes or false shame; remember, 'there is no reasonable man without a spark of madness.'


@9:09 PM

Life is a play with multiple realities. maya-lila.

Kim told me what her friend said, "Fights make life dramatic. And life just ain't life without the drama."

and I just had to agree. life's boring without the drama.

I am a theater actress, the world is my stage, life is the play, and God is the director.

and in my life, I AM THE STAR.

don't you want to be my friend, and play a role? sisikat ka pare!


hmmm:) random thoughts shared with kim. hahaha. we're both bored with a lot on mind. :))

@6:07 PM

ay pota. dapat pumasok na lang ako kahit na namimilipit tiyan ko. kesa andito nanaman ako sa bahay kasama ng magagaling kong kapamilya.

sige, lahat isisi sa akin. puta talaga. nawala na bisa ng happy thought ko.:(

two nights ago, peter pan came and thought me how to fly. the flight to neverland wasn't easy, but i kept thinking of my happy thought and it flew me there. And when I was almost home, some lost boys shot stones at me, and the biggest one hit me hard enough to make my happy thought heart breaking. The stone had me plummeting down the ground and what's even more heart breaking is that even peter pan can't fly me up again.:(

at ngayon, walang wala na bisa ng happy thought ko.

Thursday, August 23, 2007 @11:42 PM

I promise I will quit smoking for a month, ibalik lang yung phone ko!!!! well, the thing is it's not mine. it's my brother's i just borrowed it. So please!!! kung sino man nakapulot please return it:D

super unlucky day today. i lost the phone i'm using this morning, and then come afternoon i realized my wallet is missing!!!

i know, last night i said i'm super happy and what happened yesterday is enough to fly me through next week. Pero, I didn't mean for today and the next days to be bad!

I'm so glad i have my happy thought that everytime I think about it I have this stupid smile plastered on my face. at mukha talaga kong tanga. at nakakahiya kasi ganun yung itsura ko nung kinakausap ko si sir ariel tapos si kim parang wala lang yung itsura niya, pero ako, mukhang tanga todo tingin sa kanya with a smile, at naniningkit yung mata ko. mukha talagang tanga.

so anyway, yun nga. may happy thought ako to think about when I feel sad about the things i lost and it gets me through.

naiisip ko ulit ngayon:D hmmmm:D kahit shitty sa bahay... hmmmm:D pa rin! :))

Saturday, August 18, 2007 @4:51 PM

obvious bang ayaw kitang kausapin???

kaya kung puwede lang huwag mo akong tanung-tanungin ng kung anu-ano.

may mata ka, hanapin mo yung remote, at huwag mo kong guluhin!!!

isa kang malaking panira sa buhay. sana kainin ka ng monitor ng computer mo at huwag ka ng ibalik!

Thursday, August 16, 2007 @7:11 AM

i am sooo happy to have you. you're one big blessing that i'm grateful for. and i love you so much for making me happy everyday. :D


hmmm... kelan kaya ako makakapagpost ng ganito for someone?:))

@6:54 AM

go away, ulan. leave me alone. i want to be happy again.

but before you go, i want to say these things to you, and i hope as you leave, you take them away.

tangina! kung alam mo lang, mahal ata kita.

sobrang gusto kita okay? you're my hope. but you left me staring at the sky, wishing you'd come back to me.

i miss the twinkle in your eyes when you smile. your real smile, not the smile you put on to pretend you're okay.

how can you tell me that i know you, and just disappear?

i miss the way you hold my hand so tight and seemingly not wanting to let go.

i miss the way you hugged me. you hugged me like i was going to leave you. but instead, you left me.

i miss everything about you.

ulan, sana pag-gising ko bukas hindi ko na siya namimiss. at matauhan ako na hindi ko talaga siya mahal. take all these with you.


and when the sun shines, all these will be gone, and i'll be someone new. i won't be missing you.

@4:42 AM

walk down memory lane:)) grabbed from avery(classmate ko nung grade 6:D)

THINK BACK TO 6th GRADE... Let's see
how much you remember and how much you

1. Who was in your barkada?
nans, aj, aizel, karla, frances, tapos si mitch at jamie nawala

2. Who did you like?
daniel:D at mr. tinman:))

3. What sport did you play?

4. Did you buy your lunch?
yes. tapos may meal card din ako!:D

5. It's Friday night, where were you?
uhmm.. nasa phone.:))

6. Were you a party animal?
hindi pa ata uso party nun eh. pero mahilig ako tumambay:))

yes. i'd tell my dad i have headache, or stomachache so i won't have to go to school:))

8. Did you get suspended/expelled?
almost. :))

9. Can you sing the alma mater?
ohyes. the blue and gold of miriam...

10.What was your favorite subjects?
my favorite subjects were Language, Art, and MAth(kasi mataas ako noon)

11. What was your school's full name?
Miriam College Grade School

12. Did you go to the dances?


13. If you could go back in time and do
it all over, would you?
nah. it's all gooood! funfunfun!

14. What do you remember most about 6th
my barkada and the things we used to do!:))

15. Favorite memory in 6th grade
turnover. tsaka yung mga kagaguhan namin ng barkada ko!:)) 4th quarter the best!

16. Where did you go most often for lunch?

17. What did you do on the last day of
ooh! tumutgtog yung i'll be ni edwin mccain. tapos nagpasign ako sa mga tao nung design ng classroom:))

18. Did you like 6th grade?
oh yes! very much!

19. What was your section?

20. Did you own a locker?
yes! i love my locker/trashcan:))

21. Did you use a backpack or a Shoulder Bag.?

stroller! :)) backpack ata. can't remember

22. How long was your recess?
20 minutes?

23. Hatest subject?
Filipino! first time ko maka FS sa buong MC life ko dahil sa Fil!!!

24. Hatest teacher?

Valisno. :))

25. Did you get a graduation picture of
your crush?

26. Who was your weirdest classmate?
ahmmm... nung grade 5:)) meron. shet i am so mean. tsaka... eh i forgot their names na.

27. Who was your best friend?

28. Closest opposite sex friend?
ewan. :)) wala ata.

29. Are you copying homeworks from your
hindi ata. pinapasulat ko notes ko:))

30. Did you cry on your graduation?
i didn't graduate

31. When did you graduate?
i left MC 2002

@4:15 AM

at dahil umuulan feel ko maging emo.

at dahil feeling ko kapag nilabas ko lahat ng naiisip ko ngayon at pusibleng nararamdaman ko ay mas magiging malinaw ang mga bagay bagay. at puwede ko ng kalimutan pagkatapos.

napanaginipan kita kagabi, alam mo ba 'yon? siyempre hindi. at kanina, naalala ko 'yung mga nangyari dati. naalala pa kita. galeng noh? kahit na matagal na rin nang huli tayong nag-usap ng parang magkaibigan. yung totoong magkaibigan na may sariling mundo.

kanina nanunuod ako ng sine, tapos naalala kita dahil parehas kayo ng pananaw niyong isang tauhan sa pelikula. tapos may naalala ko tungkol sa kolektibong karanasan nating dalawa. pero noong mga panahon na 'yon kailangan hindi ko maalala. kasi, malulungkot lang ako.

malungkot, kasi hindi na tayo katulad ng dati. malungkot kasi kulang 'yung panahon na nagkasama tayo. malungkot kasi hindi na kita nakakausap ngayon. malungkot kasi nakikita lang kita pero hindi kita makausap. malungkot, kasi parang wala lang ako sa'yo tapos ikaw... malungkot kasi parang hindi na tayo babalik sa dati. malungkot kasi hinahanap kita ngayon. malungkot kasi gusto kita kasama ngayon pero wala ka. malungkot kasi... kasi gusto kita. malungkot kasi hindi puwede. malungkot kasi hindi ako katulad mo.

shet. okay. malungkot ako dahil sa'yo. at feeling ko never ko aaminin sa kahit kanino kung sino ka. kasi pagkatapos pupulutin ko isa isa ang mga piraso nalaglag at bubuuin ulit ang aking loob. at pagkatapos niyon, wala ka na ulit sa buhay ko. katulad ko sa buhay mo, wala na.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 @5:16 PM

got this from vic's friend, rianne.

[x] I like skinny jeans.
[x] Music is life.
[x] I write poetry/song lyrics. (i'm not good though)
[x] My hair covers part of my face. [when i don't fix it. bangs!!!]
[ ] I wear band shirts. [i don't have one, but i like the motion city soundtrack shirts! hot!]
[ ] I know who Jeffree Star is.
[x] I wear/wore converse.
[x] I wear/wore vans.
[x] I wear/wore eyeliner.
[ ] I have/had my lip pierced.
[ ] I listen to Saves The Day, Emanual and Saliva.

Total = 7

[ ] I`m in a band.
[ ] My screen name had an x in it.
[ ] I like My Chemical Romance. [i like "teenagers"]
[x] I also like Green Day.
[ ] I know what "mosh" means.
[ ] I sit in corners.
[ ] I hate MTV.
[x] I take pictures of myself a lot. [not lately though, i feel ugly eh.]
[x] Especially ones where you can’t see my whole face.

Total = 3

[x] I am lost without a CD player/my iPod/mp3. [i am not that lost, but i feel better with it]
[x] I have/had thick rimmed glasses.
[x] I [would] love to skate. [never got to learn it though]
[x] I hate the president. [i want to kil a president!!!]
[ ] I have/had a mohawk.
[x] I`ve worn black nail polish. [fun!!! i alternated it with bright red:)]
[ ] I like Slipknot.
[ ] I hate where I live.
[ ] Black is a great color.

Total: 5

[ ] Right now I am listening to music.
[ ] MySpace
[x] Hot Topic doesn`t scare me.
[ ] I wear/wore studded belts.
[ ] I`ve cried while listening to Hawthorne Heights.
[ ] For girls: I have madeout with another. [another, meaning??? hahaha:)) ho-hum di-dumhumhum]
[ ] For guys: I have worn girls jeans.
[ ] I have dyed my hair black. [dude, my hair is black!]
[ ] I cry a lot.
[x] I write on myself.
[x] I`ve been called emo before.

Total = 3

Multiply your answers by 3.
Re-post this as "I`m __ % emo."

@5:07 PM

@1:47 AM

tama ba yun? female and kai in one sentence??? :)) joke lang kai.:*

1. Do you ever lie about your age?
~ yes. i tell people i'm 8 or 12 or 16:)) and most of them believe me:))

2. Do you prefer "sensitive boys" or "tough guys"?
~ tough on the outside BUT super softie on the inside:D

3. Do you prefer blonde or dark haired guys?
~ dark haired

Where the hell is number 4?

5. How many things in your past do you regret??
~ i don't remember them.

6. Do you have a bestfriend?
~ yufyuf

7. What do you want to be when you grow up?
~ to be an astronaut. to be a teacher. and to be able to help other people with their personal shit.

8.Who was the last person you hugged?
~ my little cuddly baby!!:D hmmmm:D

9. Have you ever had your heart broken?
~ not really. half broken lang.

10. Have you ever thought about having plastic surgery?
~ i used to say, "pag lumaki ang boobs ko, ibig sabihin nagpatransplant ako!" hahahahaha

11. Do you like your life?
~ now? no. but yesterday, i liked it.:))

12. Do you shop at Hollister?
~ ooh. is there hollilster here?

13. Has one of your friends ever stolen a bf from you?
~ no:) chick over dicks!!!:D

14. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back?
~ im not so sure. guys, have you? :)) if i knew about it, it wouldn't be being stabbed in the back na, diba?

16. Do you have more friends who are girls or boys?
~ uhhh... it's hard to tell. it depends, on how they are for that day.:))

17. How long have you had friendster?
~ i dunno. 2nd year HS?

18. Have you ever cheated on someone?
~ not yet. :))

19. Has anyone ever cheated on you?
~ i never had a relationship with someone. no.

20. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
~ ooh! fun! i think so, yes.

21. What is one of your biggest fears?
~ not being good enough(sabi ng test sa tickle.:)))

22. Have you ever skipped class?
~ skipping class... meaning? hahaha. yeah, i do.

23. Has anyone close to you passed away?
~ that will not happen. it can't happen. i have to go first!

24. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
~ yeah.

25. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
~ yes.

26. Do you believe in the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater"?
~ not really.

27. Have you ever had a good feeling about something and it turned out you were right?
~ oh yes!!!!

29. Do u ever wish u were a man?
~ sometimes, when i wanna stay out late... early in the morning. hahaha

30. Do you think any men will open this just because it's labeled "The Female survey"?
~ i wouldn't know. will they?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 @2:46 AM

cough galore because mom is not home.

seriously, i try not to cough when my mom's home. and it's super hard at night because i sleep beside her and that's when my throat decides to itch and i just had to cough.

it rained today, and mr. sunshine didn't show his brightside.:( sad me:( but even though it rained this afternoon, kim, nix and i still went to Prince and freezed our asses off in the pool! hahaha. i got wet from the rain too(before and after swimming) :(.

and now, i'm still cold, and i've been coughing like there's no tomorrow(hahaha!) and mr.sniffles is here:(

so, since it's raining, and the fact that i went swimming gives me the right to cough tonight. besides, some TV person said that people tend to get cough when it's raining!

bottomline: she can't say i'm coughing because of smoking. FYI, I actually obeyed her when she told me this morning, "Anak, walang yosi ah." I DIDN'T SMOKE TODAY!:D snaps for me:D

Monday, August 13, 2007 @3:38 AM

at dahil may 20 things you want to say to 20 people na post si kai... parang gusto ko rin gumawa ulit. pero things you want to say to 20 people lang:))

  1. i had so much fun!!!!:) i love you:D
  2. it's nice to have someone to talk to who is not too sheltered and not too self-centered:)
  3. sometimes i wonder if you're really that good.
  4. you scare people. i can't wait to see you trip.
  5. omaygosh. super nakakahiya!!! sorry!!!:|
  6. you think you have taste, but darling, you don't.
  7. gawd! your eyes are waaaay different from mine that it's hard to say it's beautiful too.
  8. okay, kinkabahan ako. galit ka ba?
  9. i know i'm mean. but you're way meaner than me.
  10. ang feeling mo ah! feeling mo talaga!
  11. you're all curled up in your little cocoon
  12. kasi, sino na? i won't tell! promise!!!:)
  13. i'm gonna win this time!
  14. it's hard to please you, it's frustrating!!!!!
  15. ooh!!! thank you!!!! you so love me:D
  16. naisip ko lang bigla, "i want you." hahaha
  17. it's weird that i've been dreaming about you lately.
  18. i know you're scared. but don't worry, we won't get caught!:D promise!
  19. meron ka ba?? ang sungit mo ah!
  20. okay... aawayin mo nanaman ako? puwede ba.
  21. they might think we're together. that would be super funny, cause we're straight!
  22. awwww... i love you!:D
  23. i love you to the moon and back:)
  24. i like holding your hand. it gives a sense of "tayoness" kahit hindi.
  25. i was hurt, but you gotta say what you have to say.
  26. ang panget mo talaga. i wish you'd disappear for a while. haha
  27. puwede ba, don't talk to me like that!
  28. feeling mo naman? excuse me, i'm still better than you!
  29. bitin talaga okay?
  30. kelan ba ha? gusto na kita makita eh.
  31. oooh! i know something!!! kasi naman, don't be too full of yourself!
  32. alam mo kasi, may girlfriend ka na eh. ...
  33. haaaay... i like you in red shorts:D
  34. you are so perfect!!!! too bad you don't miss me:(
  35. omaygosh!!! iniisip pa lang kita, kinikilig na ko!!!!:D
  36. i think it would be nicer if you loose a few pounds...:D
  37. oh gawd! can't you shut up? just for one second. i'd like to talk about ME for a change.
  38. it's okay, you weren't my last anyway.:))
  39. you don't know how special you're making me feel again:D i'm sooo happy!!!:) thank youuuu!!! i love you!!!:D
  40. siguro nga i want us to be together. pero hindi talaga puwede. at nakakainis kasi ang babaw ng dahilan kung bakit. ang babaw talaga. ang babaw mo! oh well, moving on. next please?


funfunfun! :D this is super fun:D i really wanna say these things but it's super hard to kasi friendships are on the line eh. hahaha!


Sunday, August 12, 2007 @2:31 AM

Loves to chat.

Loves those who love them.
Loves to takes things at the centre.
Great in bed.
Inner and physical beauty.
Doesn't pretend.
Gets angry often.
A meaningful love life partner.
Makes right choices.
Treats friends importantly.
Brave and fearless.
Always making friends.
Does not harm others.
It is all about love and fairness.
Easily hurt but recovers easily.
Horny and does fullfill.
Does not care to control emotions.
Knows what to do, to have fun.
Someone to have close to you.
Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them all.

*may i say this is funny. :)) i wonder if it's really true. hahahhaha!

Sweet and easy at heart.
Strong-willed and highly motivated.
Sharp thoughts.
Easily angered.
Attracts others and loves attention.
Deep feelings.
Beautiful physically and mentally.
Firm Standpoint.
Needs no motivation.
Shy towards opposite sex.
Easily consoled.
Systematic (leftbrain).
Loves to dream.
Strong clairvoyance.
Sickness usually in the ear and neck.
Good imagination.
Good physical.
Weak breathing.
Loves literature and the arts.
Loves travelling.
Dislike being at home.
Having many children.
High spirited.
*If you repost this in the next 5 minutes, you will become close to someone you do not speak to much in the next 4 days.

Trustworthy and loyal.
Very passionate and dangerous.
Wild at times.
Knows how to have fun.
Sexy and mysterious.
Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality.
Playful, but secretive.
Very emotional and temperamental sometimes.
Meets new people easily and very social in a group.
Fearless and independent.
Can hold their own.
Stands out in a crowd.
Essentially very smart.
Usually, you never begin a relationship with someone from this month. Hold on to them because their one of a kind.
*Repost in 5 minutes and you will excel in a major event coming up sometime this month.

This straight-up means ur the most good-looking.
Loyal and generous.
Competitive in everything.
Active in games and interactions.
Impatient and hasty.
Influential in organizations.
Fun to be with.
Easy to talk to, though hard to understand.
Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know.
Easily influenced by kindness.
Polite and soft-spoken.
Having lots of ideas.
Active mind.
Hesitating, tends to delay.
Choosy and always wants the best.
Abstract thoughts.
Loves reality and abstract.
Intelligent and clever.
Changing personality.
Sexiest out of everyone.
A real speed demon.
Has more than one best friend.
Quiet, shy and humble.
Honest and loyal.
Determined to reach goals.
Loves freedom.
Rebellious when restricted.
Loves aggressiveness.
Too sensitive and easily hurt.
Gets angry really easily but does notshow it.
Dislikes unnecessary things.
Lovesmaking friends but rarely shows it.
Daring and stubborn.
Realizing dreams and hopes.
Loves entertainment and leisure.
Romantic on theinside not outside.
Superstitious and ludicrous.
Tries to learn to show emotions.

Loves to chat.

Loves those who love them.
Loves to takes things at the center.
Inner and physical beauty.
Lies but doesn't pretend.
Gets angry often.
Treats friends importantly.
Brave and fearless.
Always making friends.
Easily hurt but recovers easily.
Does not care to control emotions.
Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them MFE.
(okay??? bakit parang parehas ang september at january?)

Abstract thoughts.
Loves reality and abstract.
Intelligent and clever.
Changing personality.
Sexiest out of everyone.
A real speed demon.
Has more than one best friend.
Quiet, shy and humble.
Honest and loyal.
Determined to reach goals.
Loves freedom.
Rebellious when restricted.
Loves aggressiveness.
Too sensitive and easily hurt.
Gets angry really easily but does not show it:
Dislikes unnecessary things.
Loves making friends but rarely shows it.
Daring and stubborn.
Realizing dreams and hopes.
Loves entertainment and leisure.
Romantic on the inside not outside:
Superstitious and ludicrous.
Tries to learn to show emotions.
*Repost this in 5 mins and you will talk to someone new and realize that you are a perfect match.

Suave and compromising.
Funny and humorous.
Very talkative.
Calm and cool.
Kind and sympathetic.
Concerned and detailed.
Does work well with others.
Very confident.
Positive Attitude.
Thinking generous.
Good memory.
Clever and knowledgeable.
Loves to look for information.
Able to cheer everyone up and/or make them laugh.
Able to motivate oneself and others.
Fun to be around.
Bubbly personality.
Boy/girl crazy.
Loves sports, music, leisure and travelling.
Hot but has brains.
*If you repost this in 5 mins, a cutie that's caught your eye will introduce themselves and you will realize that you are very much alike in the next 2 days.

Drop dead gorgeous!!!
Attractive personality.
Very! sexy.
Affectionate & Secretive.
Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic.
Chatterbox! Loves to talk alot!
Loves to get their way! .
Unbelievable kisser!
Easily angered.
Very stubborn in the most way possible!
Loves to get noticed!
Willing to take risks for others.
Makes good choices.
Has a great fashion sense!
Maybe a little too popular with others.
Outgoing and crazy at times!
Can sometimes be a heartbreaker!
Can love as much as possible!
Hates insults. Loves compliments!
A very big flirt!
Appreciative and returns kindness.
The best in bed out of MFE these months!!
Hardly shows emotions.
Tends to bottle up feelings.
Observant and assesses others.
*If you repost this in the next 5 mins, you will meet your new love in 8 days.

Hella sexy, loves sex n makin luv, Tends to be SOOOOO hott!!
Active and dynamic.
Decisive and haste but tends to regret.
Attractive and affectionate to oneself.
Strong mentality.
Loves attention.
Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems.
Brave and fearless.
Loving and caring.
Suave and generous.
Usually you have many friends.
Enjoys to make love.
Good memory.
Moving, motivates oneself and others.
Loves to travel and explore.
Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can understand.
You are a great match with some body in june.
*If you do not repost this in the next 5 minutes someone very close to you will become mad at you in the next 8 days.

Fun to be with.
Loves to try new things.
Boy/girls LOVE you.
You are very hott.
Difficult to fathom and to be understood.
Quiet unless excited or tensed.
Takes pride in oneself.
Has reputation.
Easily consoled.
Concerned about people's feelings.
Emotional temperamental and unpredictable.
Moody and easily hurt.
Witty and sparkly.
Spazzy at times.
Not revengeful.
Forgiving but never forgets.
Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.
Guides others physically and mentally.
Sensitive and forms impressions carefully.
Caring and loving.
Treats others equally.
Strong sense of sympathy.
Wary and sharp.
Judges people through observations.
No difficulties in studying.
Loves to be alone.
Always broods about the past and the old friends.
Waits for friends.
Never looks for friends.
Not aggressive unless provoked.
Loves to be loved.
Easily hurt but takes long to recover.
*Repost this in the next 5 minutes and your reputation will boost someway in the next 12 days.

You've got the best personality and are an absolute pleasure to be around.
You love to make new friends and be outgoing.
You are a great flirt and more than likely have a very attractive partner.
A wicked hottie.
Like somebody with an OCTOBER birthday.
It is also more likely than that you have a massive record collection.
When it comes to films, you know how to pick them and may one day become a famous actor/actress yourself - heck, you've got the looks for it!!!
*In the next 6 days you will meet someone that may possibly become one of your closest friends, if you repost this in 5 minutes.

Outgoing personality.
Takes risks.
Feeds on attention.
Self control.
Loud and boisterous.
Very revengeful.
Easy to get along with and talk to.
Has an "everything's peachy" attitude.
Likes talking and singing.
Loves music.
Easily distracted.
Hates not being trusted.
BIG imagination.
Loves to be loved.
Hates studying.
In need of "that someone".
Longs for freedom.
Rebellious when withheld or restricted.
Lives by "no pain no gain"
Always a suspect.
"Charming" or "beautiful" to everyone.
Strong willed.
A fighter.
*Repost in 5 minutes and you will meet the love of your life sometime next month.

@1:55 AM

got from kiara

Q: Kissed more than one person on your top friends? Yes
Q: Kissed someone you didn't like? Yes
Q: You like someone? Yes
Q: Held a snake? Yes
Q: Been suspended from school? Almost
Q: Kissed in the rain? Not yet...
Q: Sang in the shower? Yes
Q: Sat on a roof top? Yes:D
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Yes
Q: Broken a bone? Yes
Q: Shaved your head? No
Q: Played a prank on someone? Yes, oh yes!
Q: Had/have a gym membership? Too lazy to go to gym
Q: Donated Blood? Not yet... (sorry mico!)
Q: Had your heart broken? i guess:))
Q: Broken someone's heart? i have no idea. sana. :))


"Who was your last?"
just be 100% truthful

1. You hung out with? Martha
2. last person you texted? Mom
3. last person you slept next too? My mom
4. Went to the movies with? Mom, Vic and Magic
5. Went to the mall with? Justin, Lloyd, Martha, Rizza, Vane and Rhon
6. You talked to on the phone? Papa
7. Made you laugh? Amiel:)
8. You hugged? Thea
9. you kissed? where? Thea. Lips:) :))
10. Made you cry? Rich ata...



1. Be serious or be funny? Funny
2. Drink whole or skim milk? Whole milk
3. Die in a fire or get shot? die from gunshot.


1. Sun or moon? Sun
2. dark or light chocolate? Dark chocolate
3. Left or right? Left, para lang fun:D
4. Sunny or rainy? Sunny
5. Hugs or kisses? Kisses!!!:D
6. Where do you live? in a house:D our house to be specific:D
7. Rock or Techno? Rock
8. Do you want to get married? Sure
9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl
10. Do You Cook? Oh yes:)
11. Current mood? Tired and sleepy. but I CAN'T FREAKING SLEEP!!!


1. Kissed someone? where? yeah. lips:)
2. Sang? Yes
3. Been hugged? Yes
4. Like someone you can't have? Yeah...ta... yata.


this is weird. after answering this, i found out how pointless this is.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007 @4:29 AM

I never asked for you to go and run after me. I never asked you to beg for my mercy. I never asked so much from you. All I ever wished for you was your time, and for you to listen, and for you to be the kuya, the good guy.

i just wanted for you to say sorry. and really mean it.

@4:05 AM

I almost kissed you.

You almost kissed me.

but we both took one step back.

Iif you tell me that it'll be okay, i'll go two steps forward for you.

Monday, August 06, 2007 @4:56 PM

you are a point source pollutant while attraction is a diffuse source.

a pollutant is something that causes pollution.

What we had was pollution. Needed to be prevented. But when started just had to stop.

Pollution is any alteration in the physical, chemical, or biological component of [any part of the environment] that threatens life or its smooth functioning.

this is what I learn from sci10(science and society). It's not as pointless as Intact as I thought it was naman pala. It has applications in life. BUT pointless pumasok sa class ng g Prof ko. hahaha!


stardust came to life


.life with me. friends.

tagboard area! maximum width of the tagboard should not exceed 160px. cbox is recommended. (:


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