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Tuesday, January 31, 2006 @7:32 PM

hokie pokie. i am suppose to be doing my maths bonus thing but i just can't seem to answer it. i just wasted 2 hours of listening to music and reading quotes. and other messages. really funny. there's this message from him that was sent October 23, 2002 : icp q 2loy ex q.. lmo mnsan, iniicp q kng bt aq nkpgbreak sknya.. dmi qng ngastos, hnabol q xa 4 a long time pti crush q xa, pro aq mkkpgbreak?! TANGA KO!!
omg! it's just sooo funny. if he'd hear his self saying that now, he'll say "wtf?? did i really say that?" or i think that's what he'll say. haha.
it was also that same year when he would say "luv u" in different forms. which made me think, "if he says that before, what made me so sure that this time it's a different thing? different in a special kind of way??"
this is just pathetic. yeah. just plain pathetic.
oh well. i'm still hot. specially today. had our classpic and it's coolness. good thing i have make up with me everyday. and janica asked me to replace timo for the debate. OMG! debating is just not my thing yet. i can train for debate, but i am not yet ready to compete. it's too much too soon. i need lots of experience. and i totally los tmy confidence. sobra. my first ever debate with the debsoc sucked big time, and i just can't seem to redeem myself. screw it. besides, i have a lot to make up. i have to study all by myself for chem, maths and physics. hayy.. goodluck sakin! my groupmates for econ will be coming here tomorrow for us to do the ap thing. wish ko lang matapos ko siya. atleast now, i am occupied with schoolwork and i'm actually giving it some time. it's now just him and him. but now, i really want to talk to him. i want to borrow his geisha if he's done reading it. wish he'd call back. haayyy.. anyway, today is kinda cool i went to starbucks with kayla. i really miss her. we talked about things and told her how i feel and i just miss her company when i will not be judged of the things that come out of my mouth.
because she's simply your firend and she accepts you for who you are. tells you when you're going overboard. i am now having a head ache. meaning, no school tomorrow?

haayyy... i have to learn to stop running away from responsibilities. i wish God'll grant me responsibility. i really lack that trait. super!

he will not call. whatever. i'm tired of him!

"don't tell me you love me if it isn't really true, don't tell me you love me if you are not sure too. don't tell me you love me if you're just lying, you know it would hurt me and you know it would make me cry."

Saturday, January 14, 2006 @6:38 PM

For the last week i had been floating on happiness. The love department is okay. haha. and school's better than usual, and the best part...

I HAVE A COLLEGE!!!! I got in first choice! i am soo happy. well, because i only applied for 2 universities, and not passing ateneo would mean not passing UP. that's why i am so ecstatic!!!

that day, Jan. 7, 2006 was so far the best day of my life! I found out that I have a college to go to, I don't have to defend our research proposal, i stared at our guapo debate coach for a good 45 mins to an hour (? i think) and a friend went to my house that made me the happiest.

and now, i messed up the love department. school is chaotic and stressful and rushed. i super sucked in debating. Kuya Abe made me debate for 3 consecutive times, a gov't whip for the motion: unrequitted love is no love at all; a deputy leader of the opposition for the motion: white is the color of war; and last the opposition whip for the motion: NCAA and UAAP should be unified. gawd. those are like wha?? topics! it's super draining! the next day(which was a wednesday), i had an early dismissal because i felt so sick. i was so tired and was not functioning at all. as in we had this stupid test in math and i wrote a letter (to my teacher) at the back of the test paper, saying : "ma'am, i am too sick to continue answering the test. as you can see i cannot even write properly. i know i need to seek a doctor and that's what i'm going to do." and i left the classroom before i vomited on the test paper. but i don't really vomit, i just feel nauseous. i didn't go to school the next day, still not functioning well, and had no control of my emotions and the words that comes out of my mouth said something really rude and stupid. i regret it.

Friday, yesterday. i hated my parents for making me quit COCC! ughhh! e di sana my batchmates would also be calling me, Cadette Captain Vicente. but no. i have to be sitting along with my classmates listening and taking orders from my ex buddies! gawd! Why the fuck did they put back military training??? ugh. lesson learned: when you feel good about something that you're doing and you know it doesn't hurt you or anybody else and you know that is right, don't take shit from anybody. just continue doing your thing, and prove them wrong. and when you succeed, tell them " IN YOUR FACE!!" (well not sure about the telling them part. haha)

Jan. 10, 2006

happy birthday alex. you're 18. i hope you'll be more responsible. and sensible and less chicken-y. haha.

Jan. 12, 2006

happy birthday carlo. thank you for being my big brother. i hope you'll be haelthier than ever. and continue to share your love.

happy cheeky day to my cheekybabes: Kayla, rejoice, jean, lorie, niki and j9. i miss our bonding days, and jsut the company of everybody with me. we should go out sometime. but not now... hehe

Jan. 13, 2006

to all the goddesses happy monthsary!!! we will always be the hot, smart-ass, beautiful, fabulous goddesses that we are!! to amor, jeannine, val, and janica, we missed you at phim's house last night. to the other goddesses: kai, maricar, jeremy, niki, lorie, steffi, abe, gretzel and phimi. i had fun last night. unfortunately that would be the last gimmick i'll have. atleast for now. haha.

Jan. 14, 2006

Happy 17th Wedding Anniversary to my parents. i promise i'll be good.=)

well, happiness is short lived? i don't know. being happy is a choice. i think i'll choose to be happy. even if i have no phone, and can't go anywhere and has to be home by 5:30 everyday.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006 @5:11 AM

Happy New Year bloggers!

New Year Celebration is doesn't have to be loud, grand, doesn't need lots of food. What it needs is family and friends to celebrate it with.

That's what i realized last new year's eve. It was not as fun as last year, because i wasn't able to hang with my cousins that much, that's why it's pretty quiet.

The next day, my dad left. I know that a part of me has forgiven him. It's a nice feeling. So i hope, someone would also forgive me.

I miss my bestfriend! I am really sorry for what i've done. i know the damage i have done, and i'm deeply seriously sorry. i have changed. it happened early last year, and you know i have changed. please talk to me rich.

i have a lot to be thankful for and now is not a good time to post it. cause i need to sleep. school tomorrow.

here's a message i like.=)

"sa lahat ng tamad magaral
sa mga di nakikinig kay teacher
sa mga ntutulog sa klase
sa laging walang assignment
sa ating lahat




stardust came to life


.life with me. friends.

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